What Is The Difference Between a Payday Loan And Instant Loans

Published on May 5th, 2011 in with No Comments »

Instant loans, cash advance loans, paydayloan, are all different names for the same product. They have adopted all of these names because the can be paid out almost instantly, and are quick cash advances that are repaid in full on your next payday. So what are they for and how do they work? A payday loan is quite a simple concept really, it is basically a short-term loan for amounts from £50 right up to £1,000, and they are intended to deal with any immediate issues that need a quick cash advance in order to deal with them. Because most loan types can take several days up to several weeks for them to complete, they are not a viable proposition if your car breaks down and you need to get it repaired quickly so you can go to work. Or imagine what a nightmare it would be to have your central heating boiler pack in half way through the month leaving you without any heating or hot water until it was fixed. Without payday loans there would be no alternative other than to ask friends or relatives for help.

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