Create and promote positive awareness of sexuality in its diverse forms.
Dispel prejudice, fear and ignorance towards variations in sexual expression.
Use workshops to teach new, exciting and practical skills to participants, whether novices or experts.
Showcase local businesses and organizations that cater to alternative lifestyles on an international stage.
Encourage tourism to Montreal by attracting international attention to this annual festival.
Raise funds for charity.
CENSORED Festival supports safe and consensual development of sexual expression. We do not condone activities that are illegal or are not between consenting adults. We believe that all people have the right to freedom and happiness in all aspects of their life, including their sexuality.
10% of the proceeds of CENSORED Festival 2024 will be donated to Amnesty International.
Five of Montreal’s most determined, progressive and creative people have joined forces in a venture to promote and celebrate positive sexual awareness and acceptance. Their mutual interest, passion and organizations have allowed them to collaborate in developing a world class event, as a showcase of Montreal’s diversity and kinkiness.
The dynamic duo of Bunnyguts and Davidé add their own brand of kinkiness to the CENSORED Festival by contributing their creative energy and passion along with professional business skills. Their secret to success is the combination of ingenuity with hard work and dedication to any project they are involved with. Cirque de Boudoir will present the Robots & Dolls Ball, a thematic event, as the culmination of the CENSORED Festival week.
Mistress V
Founder & Director
Club Montreal Fetish
Immersed in the fetish community, Mistress V brings firsthand knowledge of the fetish world and its key players. She is committing the full resources of Club Montreal Fetish to the CENSORED Festival and will be premiering her fetish theatre as part of the opening weekends’ events.
Frank Scuccimarri
Monde Osé
Co-creator of Le Bal Erotique
Jackie’s strong interpersonal and operations management skills, combined with Frank’s strategic planning and marketing communication skills, make them an integral part of the CENSORED Festival team. In addition, they bring with them more than 2000 active members of Monde Osé as well as Le Bal Erotique, an established event, which will be hosted during the CENSORED Festival.